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Virginia School Counselor Association  July 25, 2017 – 10:14 am
VSCA - Virginia School Counselor Association

Here are Some Precautions for Flu Season!

For those of us who are in the schools this semester for practicum or internship, it is important to protect ourselves against air-born infections like influenza. Taking care of ourselves by getting a full night's sleep, exercising and eating a healthy balanced diet are great preventative strategies. However, when the flu reaches epidemic levels as it has in many school across the state, we need to take additional precautions to prevent the spread of the disease. The Center for Disease Control offers suggestions for ways to protect against the flu virus this season (

  1. Get a flu vaccine. This is especially important due to our work with children and young adults whose young immune systems place them at at a higher risk for complications of the flu. Receiving the flu vaccine protects against the spread of infection to others.
  2. Avoid contact with sick people. Encourage parents to keep sick children home at least 24 hours after a fever subside.
  3. Advertise public health advise to your school population and partner with your school nurse to get updated information to families
  4. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze and cough
  5. Wash your hands often with soap and water, using alcohol-based hand gel when soap is unavailable
  6. Recognize that the flu can be a serious disease and seek medical treatment when necessary
More recommendations and public health advisories can be found at the Center for Disease Control's website at:


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